RULES/BYELAWS - Weston Social Club

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Friendly societies Act Register no 1106w
Rules of the Weston super mare social club
Registered under the Friendly Societies Act 1974
1.       Name, office and objects of the society The society is a working Mens club and shall be called the WESTON SUPER MARE SOCIAL CLUB (hereinafter called “the club”). Its registered office shall be Devonshire road, Weston super Mare. Somerset. BS23 4LG or such place as a special general meeting may determine. Notice of any change in the situation of the registered office shall be sent by the secretary to the financial services authority  or its statutory successor within 14 days in the form provided by the Act. The objects of the club are to afford to its member the means of social intercourse, mutual helpfulness, mental and moral improvement and rational recreation. “The Act” herein after refers to means the friendly Societies 1974(as amended by the Friendly Societies Act 1992) and any Acts or subordinate legislation, ( including the Deregualtion ( industrial and provident Societies Order 1996)amending or substituted for it and for the time being in force and unless the context requires expressions used in these rules which are in the Act shall have the same meaning as they have for the purposes of the Act.
2.       Admission of members Any two members of not less than 6 month standing may propose and second a candidate for membership, provided that they are able from personal knowledge to vouch for their respectability and fitness to be a member and both shall sign a nomination form to this effect. The candidate shall sign such declaration of their concurrence with, and adherence to the purposes of the club as shall be required by the managing committee. An entrance fee of *£3.50 must be paid by the candidate on nomination, to be returned in the event of them not being elected. The election shall be by the managing committee and the candidate and his proposer and/or seconder shall be required to appear in person before the managing committee. No candidate shall be elected who is under 18 years of age or an employee of the club. The name and address of the candidate, with the names of his proposer and seconder, shall be prominently displayed in the principal club premises in a part frequented by the members, for at least seven days before the day on which their name is submitted for election. Every member on election shall be supplied with a copy of the rules, at such reasonable fee as the managing committee may determine from time to time.
3.       Subscriptions Every member shall pay to the funds of the club a subscription which shall become due as soon as their elected to membership and may not be paid until they are so elected. The subscription must be paid before the member is entitled to any of the privileges of the club. The rate of subscription shall be such sum as may from time to time be determined by the members in general meeting being not less than £1 and not exceeding £25 per year payable on the first day of January in each year. Any member who has not paid his subscription by 1st February shall be considered in arrear, and if it be not paid by 1st March they will cease to be a member. No member in arrear shall be permitted to use the club, or be considered a member for the purpose of these rules. The managing committee, on receiving information that any member is unable to pay their subscription owing to want of work or other good cause, may , at its descretion, in writing excuse payment of such member’s subscription for such period as they think fit and the member shall not forfeit the privileges of membership.
4.       Notifying Change of Address The managing committee shall keep upon the club premises a register of the names and addresses of the members. Every member shall, within 14 days, give notice to the secretary of any change in their address. Correspondence sent to a member’s last known address as entered in the register of members shall be deemed to have been received. The names of those who cease to be members shall be removed from the register.
5.       Cessation of Membership Members shall cease to be members: a) by non-payment of subscription. Any person whose membership has ceased from the cause shall not be elected to membership unless they pay such fee or fine as the managing committee may in its discretion determine. B) by expulsion, c) by resignation by notice of not less than three months given to the secretary in writing unless the managing committee waives the requirement for the same. D) by death e) by becoming an employee of the club (with the exception of the secretary of the club).
6.       Membership of the Union The trustees may hold a fully paid share in the working Men’s Club and Institute Union Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Union”) in order that each member of the club may be entitled to all the privileges of the Union, subject to its rules. If the Trustees hold such a fully paid share a person on becoming a member of the club shall be supplied with associate and Pass card at the prevailing rates charged by the Union for any period for which he has paid his subscription or been granted life membership of the club.
7.       Admission of Associates So long only as the trustees shall hold a share in the union all Associates of the Union shall subject to the following provisions of this rule be admitted to the club premises and alcohol may be supplied to them by or on behalf of the club for consumption on the premises. An associate before being admitted to the club must produce their subscription card (showing that this current subscription to their club has been paid), the Associate Card of the Union and the current pass card issued by the Union, and must write their name and that of their club in the Union Associate Book to be kept for that purpose. The doorkeeper or other appointed official shall compare the signature in the book with that on the Associate Card, and on being satisfied that the signatures correspond shall admit the Associate. Associates shall have the same rights and privileges and be subject to the same rules and by-laws as members, except that they may not either themselves attend or vote, or appoint a proxy to attend or vote , at any meeting of the club, receive a share of assets on dissolution or take away alcohol for consumption off the premises. The managing committee may refuse admission to Associates or limit their admission to such times and part of the premises as they think fit in the interests of the club. Notice of such limitations shall be sent to the General Secretary of the union. The managing committee may also refuse admission to Associates who are former members by virtue of rule 5 (a) and (b).
8.       General Meetings
ordinary meetings (1) There will be two ordinary general meetings each year. One to be held not later than the 31st March and the other to be held not later than the 30th of September on dates to be fixed by the managing committee. The meeting held by the 31st March shall be the Annual General Meeting. At least ten day’s notice of every ordinary general meeting, with a copy of the agenda shall be posted in the club. The business of the annual general meeting shall be to receive the accounts and balance sheet as audited, if required, and the report of the auditor on the revenue account or accounts and balance sheet if required and at each ordinary general meeting to consider such other business as may be submitted by the managing committee or any motion to be proposed by a member of which seven day’s notice has been given to the secretary in writing. On receipt of such notice the secretary shall add it to the agenda posted in the club. At the annual Meeting a report for the year shall be presented by the managing committee. The auditor shall be entitled to attend any general meeting of the club and to receive all notices of and other communications relating to any general meeting which any member of the club is entitled to receive and to be heard at any meeting which they attend on any part of the business of the meeting which concerns them as auditor.
Special Meetings (2)A Special meeting shall be called by the secretary in the following cases: (a) Upon the direction of  the managing committee and in accordance with such direction. (b) On a requisition signed by one-quarter of the total number of members entitled to attend and vote at a generally meeting or 50 such members, whichever is the less, stating the special object thereof. Such meeting shall be held within not less than 14 and not more than 21 days from the date of the receipt by the secretary of the requisition.
Notice to be given (3) Notice of any special meeting, and of the object for which it is called, shall beposted by the secretary in the club at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. Should the secretary not convene a special meeting in the manner required hereby within 10 clear days after a duly signed requisition has been delivered, any of the requisitioners may call such a meeting, giving such notice as is provided by this rule.
Business (4) No Business other than that named in the notice shall be brought before a special meeting.
Quorum (5)  ............ To be continued.
Devonshire Road,
Weston Super Mare
BS23 4LG
01934 622885
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Weston Social Club
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